Frequently Asked Questions

What is Glaze?

Glaze is a community-based organization that seeks to give a platform to creatives all over. We provide full teams to help our creatives bring their visions to life to create a full size magazine. 


Any creative is welcome to apply! We are not age, student, location or status exclusive. Everyone from anywhere is able to apply.


The general process for an average Glaze volume is as follows:

  • You apply, and (hopefully!) get accepted, then you will be given 48 hours to confirm your position.

  • We’ll have a general meeting to get everyone on the same page and announce the theme!

  • You will then be placed in your chosen departments, either creative or business, and get to work! 

  • If you are in a creative department, you will be placed into teams with other creative departments. Here you will all work together to create a concept based on the theme for that volume.

  • Once the concept has been created and approved, shoot season begins! 

  • The rest of the season will be working on shoots. All departments are pretty hands-on. 

  • Shoot season will conclude, and layout will get to work creating the final spread of the season. 

  • Last but not least, we’ll all come together to celebrate all the hard work we’ve done at our release party!

Am I guaranteed to be published?

Unfortunately, we do not publish every single team, for a number of reasons.

The biggest reason being that we are limited by a set number of pages we are able to print in the final copy of the magazine. Other reasons include a few variables in the shoots themselves. Variables such as duplicate concepts, straying from the theme and overall quality all play a role in the final decision.

What can I expect, commitment-wise?

We know you all have lives outside of Glaze, so we try to keep commitment at a reasonable level, while also working on our visions! Depending on what type of department you’re in (creative or business), the workload will vary.

  • All departments will have bi-weekly meetings, the times and days will be chosen by your department director. These can be either in person or virtual, depending on what your team decides. These meetings are mandatory and do affect your re-entry to Glaze. Members who no call/no show to department meetings will not be allowed to return as a member. We just ask for clear communication if you are unable to make it to any of these meetings.

  • For creative teams, it will be your responsibility to plan and execute your shoots with your team on your own time. You will be able to choose your preferred amount of shoots, no one will get more shoots than they ask for. You can have anywhere from 1 to 5 shoots! 

  • For business teams, you may be assigned tasks outside of meetings, such as designing mock spreads/merch, depending on your department. All of these tasks are meant to help you hone your craft to create and get experience that will help you in and outside of Glaze!

Is there a member fee?

There is a $40 member fee to be part of Glaze. We are completely member funded, so every penny goes back into creating Glaze and maintaining the community we’re building! Some examples of where these dues go are our two events that we have every season (including the release party), shoot budgets, and of course paying for the printing of the zine! Every member gets one copy of the magazine included in their membership and we strive for free/reduced entry to all events for our members. If there are any leftover proceeds, every cent gets donated to a cause chosen by our Grassroots Project.

where can i apply?

We are not currently taking applications. If you would like to join Glaze, fill out our interest form here.

What do you look for in a portfolio?

We pride ourselves in giving all experience levels a space in our zine. Don’t stress too much about it being “perfect” or “professional enough”. We really just look for someone who is extremely passionate about their craft, comfortable in what they do, and is enthusiastic about working on our team. We typically look for 10-20 examples of work, if applicable. A google drive folder is more than acceptable!

With our larger departments, such as modeling, with over 200 applicants for this department alone, we can get a little pickier. We look for people who will bring a broad range of skill and looks to our final copy, people who like to get weird.

Whatever your portfolio looks like, whether that’s 10 years of professional experience, or pictures shot on your iPhone, we encourage everyone to apply and show us everything you can do!