
Interviewed by Mahina Adams

The team and I at Glaze Zine had the honor to interview Riya Patel, an amazing local creative who specializes in both fashion and beauty. Riya is an Instagram influencer, a fashion icon, and a student at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a degree in Studio Art. Here is her story:

When and how were you introduced to the world of fashion and makeup? Were you artistic growing up?

I was introduced through Instagram and actually turned my original one into a fashion blog about 4 years ago. I was always super inspired by other fashion bloggers and YouTubers and thought why don’t I start my own Instagram with my personal fashion and beauty tips. I slowly started creating my own content and taking my own pictures, and it turned from a fun hobby into something more professional. I do think I have that artistic side as I am a Studio Art major and I’ve always been really into art, fashion, beauty- anything creative. Ever since 4th grade I’ve known I wanted to pursue a creative career and that’s how I ended up in Fine Arts. It’s become very fun, and I love sharing my personal style. 

How did you begin to develop your skill? Why did you begin to pursue fashion and beauty blogging?

When I first started, I didn’t have professional photographers I worked with or companies I partnered with and it was definitely hard in the beginning. I started buying clothes I normally would and tagging the companies on the picture and slowly became really consistent by taking pictures every 2 to 3 days and posting throughout the week. I loved fashion and beauty in high school and my family always told me I should start a blog or Instagram, so one day, I thought maybe I should make this more serious. My brother was a huge help and a big part of my Instagram too. When I first started, he was the one that actually took most of my pictures!

Going through your Instagram (@riyapatel_), one can see that you have an incredible eye for aesthetics! How do you think your aesthetic has changed over time and how would you describe your style? 

My style has changed so much since the beginning. In high school, I tried to fit in a lot and go with the trends, but over time, I slowly branched out and developed my own style. I think my style is a good mix and I love representing my culture. On Instagram, I work with a lot of Indian and South Asian brands and I love posting about my culture and our styles. I would describe my personal style as very put together. I love classic pieces and blazers, especially anything monochrome and really simple. 

Who are some of your inspirations in the fashion and beauty world?

I live for Brittany Xavier. I have followed her for such a long time and she’s a mom, fashion blogger, and influencer all in one. I appreciate her style so much and how she is true to herself. She has her own style that differentiates her from anyone else. I would also have to say my mom. I don’t really think about it but I get a lot of my personality and style from her. I have all her vintage purses and I love to look back at her old pictures to see how she’s styled things. Everything I wear is inspired by her. 

What is your current favorite makeup look?

I like to go on Pinterest and look up different looks but my favorite trend right now is graphic and colorful eyeliner. I love experimenting with blacks and blues and next I want to try white!

Why did you decide to pursue your degree in Studio Art?

I grew up with most of my family being doctors and engineers but I was really blessed my parents were supportive of me going on a different path. As a child, they enrolled me in art and painting classes and so I knew I wanted to pursue that from a young age. In high school, I was always into painting and charcoal art and took art classes for all my electives. My main focus right now is painting, printmaking, and transmedia. 

Have you ever experienced difficulty in the creative community or any form of negative attention? If so, how did you overcome it?

I do get it, but you have to be strong and ignore it. I kind of see it as my motivation because they’re still viewing my photos and taking the time to write those comments. Sometimes I’ll dm them back and be nice about it but I don’t like to go back and forth with the hate. Being in a brown community, it’s normal to be judged on a daily basis but I’m blessed I have such a supportive community and have learned to brush it off. 

Do you have any advice for aspiring influencers, bloggers, or fellow creatives who want to follow their passions and expand their online presence/audience?

I would say be yourself because I know a lot of times with influencers they try to be something they’re not and copy others. It took me about 4 years to get a larger following and partner with the amazing companies I do, and through this, I have found consistency is key, and you have to be super determined. At the end of the day I love it, but you have to be focused and consistent. Remember your style is who you are and I think the reason I’m at where I am today is because I am myself and don’t forget to have fun. 

Riya Patel can be followed on Instagram @riyapatel_ and Tik Tok @riyavpatel


Toni Pastrano: Friendship, makeup, and being a man in the beauty community
