By Maha Qadri

Models: Dalena Le, Moyosola Akinsipe; HMUA: Isabella Martinez; Photographer: Jesús Daniel López; Stylist: Michelle Arriaga

Denial held steadfast in Aeolus’ mind. His daughter? Gone? Inconceivable. His daughter was vivacious and living dreamily with her lover, Ceyx. The two were so full of bliss, they practically permeated springtime to Persephone’s envy. Even Ceyx’s venture overseas could not diminish the power of their love. Let the gods try and rip them apart; even in Tartarus they would suffer together, for even in hell they could not part. Gone? Utterly unthinkable. 

Anger was inevitable. How dare the Gods rip away his beloved daughter? Her crime was the deepest love and she paid the ultimate price. Life without her love had seemed as endless as the sea, so she willingly dove further. “Curse Zeus!” Aeolus would scream, willing provocation to end his own suffering. How dare the gods ignore him! How dare they take his joy! The winds blustered among the mortal realm, his fury in every gust; his rage burned the air. 

Bargaining with Zeus was out of the question. As his rage melted, Aeolus’ desperation to see his daughter again grew. His provocations shifted from rebellious to pleading. “One more chance!” He would beg. The gods continued ignoring him, and Aeolus despaired. 

Depression weighed heavily on Aeolus. As a god of wind, being anchored was an unfamiliar and unnerving feeling. Alycone’s absence felt like unyielding boulders on his chest. Ceyx’s absence felt like chains dragging him underground. The winds were unpredictable, struggling against the weight. The depths of his sorrow felt endless with no hope in sight. 

Acceptance came with the kingfishers. The pair were nesting, preparing for a difficult breeding season from the harsh conditions. Aeolus saw the couple, ready to smite such expressions of happiness from his domain. But he hesitated upon recognition. His daughter. Her beauty and grace and freedom captured in the most lovely little bird, and beside her, her lover, just as beautiful. Aeolus’ winds stopped, the most wondrous surprise overcoming him. The world froze as he watched his daughter and husband build their new home. Come to find, some of the Gods pitied Alycone and Ceyx’s fate and gave them and Aeolus a newfound peace. With the winds at bay, if only for a short time, and a friend in the Gods… 

Peace finally found its way. 

His daughter and son, the kingfishers. Their wings brought back peace, joy, and, most importantly, his daughter. 




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