By Samantha Treviño

Models: Rebeca Jovel, Angelica Blaze, Emily Gift; HMUAs: Claire Philpot, Angelica Blazw; Photographer: John Coffee; Stylist: Angeli Adhikari

I am but a humble sinner, fumbling in the dark.

Forever damned to burn in the fiery inferno of hell.

The chasm I burrowed into the earth, the very pit I ravage deeper and deeper with every fault I bear on my soul.

Yet, you saw beyond my tattered spirit. 

Or so you initially lead yourself on to see.

Presenting yourself as my heavenly savior, sent to heal me of every impurity I harbored. To save me from the depths of hell as my guide to the holy saviour.

But you were nothing of the noble, chivalrous healer you lead yourself to be.

You were made of the very sins I myself cultivated. 




Using me as the essence of your sins, then calling me the root of your sinful attraction.

While I may be guilty of this lustful sin myself, neither are you of the stature allieve me of the of very the sin you suppress. 

At dawn, I am but your simple handmaiden, accompanying my most holy master.

Yet, come twilight, sin washes over our guilt-ridden souls as your hands run down my virgin body.

Eventually, even that title was revoked by your own hand.

Our bodies moan in sweet ecstasy as we cast aside our guilt in place for erotic bliss.

By morning, the deed is done and our souls are damned.

Come dawn, I am yet again but your simple handmaiden. Blamed for your very lust.

For how could such a holy man rot from such a sin.

And yet, you were created from the very sin you repress and forged from human flesh. The same flesh comprising every last sinner on the planet, including you.

You will face the music you composed from the very sins amassed throughout your pathetic excuse of a life. 

For we are but humble sinners, fumbling in the dark. 


oh, sweet beings


Klimt: Art Theft, Adoration, and Adele Bloch-Bauer