oh, sweet beings

By Lisette Lopez

Models: Lucy Hwang, Ryan Velasquez, Jade Evans; HMUAs: Jacob Vivial, Roy Salazar; Photographer: Ren Breach; Stylist: Madee Feltner

Oh, sweet being of the breathing land. 

You share the skin of your neighbors, but we know none of you are one and the same.

In this world, you avoid growing separate from each other. 

Restricting yourselves with disbelief in your abilities. 

Why do you reject what may grow from you and become visible to all beings? 

When you drift into the realm of your mind, you are in a state of self-discovery.

But who are you hoping to find there? What symbols do you journey to find in these fictional locations?

We’ve observed the shape-shifting ability of your spirit at work in these dimensions.

As you dive into the mystical environment of your mind, your hair begins to flow like water, 

mimicking the snakes of Medusa's head at work, preparing to keep you protected from the threat of danger.

Overwhelmed by internal confliction, your veins flow with the color of envy, seeping through your pale skin.

When your head is cleared of doubt, you swim through your made up world so gracefully with joy.

Your skin becomes plump like the softest peach and you blush with a vibrant red passion.

Follow us, darling. We are the physical manifestations of your dreams.

We will show you how to embrace your sensuality without boundaries.

Trust us to help you shed the skin you’ve inhabited for too long.

There is nothing more freeing than decorating your avatar with material that represents your spirit. 


